Kad mrtvi zapjevaju 1998

Kad mrtvi zapjevaju (1998) movie poster
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IMDb Score


1,069 votes


Comedy, Drama, War


Serbian, German, Croatian

Kad mrtvi zapjevaju (1998)

At the beginning of 1990s, two Croatian emigrants, economically minded Cinco and politically minded Marinko, arrive in Croatia from Germany, homesick for their families and hometowns. In order to get a German pension, Cinco pretends to be dead and travels in a coffin. Soon, Marinko joins him because he is running away from an old agent of the Yugoslav State Security Service. On their trip in a motor hearse, Cinco and Marinko face many adventures, which culminate when they are stopped at Serbian barricades close to their destination.

Comedy, Drama, War
Serbian, German, Croatian
Krsto Papic
Ivo Gregurevic , Ivica Vidovic , Mirjana Majurec , Ksenija Pajic
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