Turk Isi Dondurma 2019

Turk Isi Dondurma (2019) movie poster
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IMDb Score


4,349 votes


Drama, History, War


Turkish, English

Turk Isi Dondurma (2019)

The two Turks went to Australia. They provide their livelihood by selling ice-cream with a wheelbarrow and camel show in festivals. In 1915 they learned that there was a war in the country. They decide to go to Çanakkale. However, the authorities do not allow them to leave the island. At that time, propaganda against the Ottoman Empire in Australia began to be made. They learn that the British are distributing leaflets to recruit soldiers in Australia. And they decide to give their struggle in Australia.

Drama, History, War
Turkish, English
Can Ulkay
Ali Atay , Erkan Kolcak Kostendil , Sebnem Bozoklu , Will Thorp
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