Madame 2017

Madame (2017) movie poster
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IMDb Score


6,844 votes


Comedy, Drama, Romance


English, Spanish, French

Madame (2017)

Adding a little spice to a waning marriage, Anne and Bob, a wealthy and well-connected American couple, move into a manor house in romantic Paris. While preparing a particularly luxurious dinner for sophisticated international friends, our hostess discovers there are thirteen guests. Panic-stricken, Anne insists her loyal maid Maria disguise herself as a mysterious Spanish noble woman to even out the numbers. But a little too much wine, and some playful chat, lead Maria to accidentally endear herself to a dandy British art broker. Their budding romance will have Anne chasing her maid around Paris and finally plotting to destroy this most unexpected and joyous love affair.

Comedy, Drama, Romance
English, Spanish, French
Amanda Sthers
Toni Collette , Harvey Keitel , Rossy de Palma , Michael Smiley
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