Une femme francaise 1995

Une femme francaise (1995) movie poster
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IMDb Score


1,240 votes


Drama, Romance


French, German, English, Russian

Une femme francaise (1995)

Wed just as war breaks out, Jeanne hardly gets to know her military husband, Louis, before the debacle of 1940. While waiting for his return from a POW camp, Jeanne journeys through countless affairs with Louis' comrades- in-arms. Hoping to forget these wartime betrayls, Louis takes his wife and the infant twins he didn't father to Berlin, where she falls for Matthais, a sensitive German industrialist. When the Indochinese war sends Louis to Vietnam, Matthais follows Jeanne back to France. A subsequent move to Damascus where Louis is posted as military attache, fails to break their bond.

Drama, Romance
French, German, English, Russian
Regis Wargnier
Emmanuelle Beart , Daniel Auteuil , Gabriel Barylli , Jean Claude Brialy
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