Nobody Lives Forever 1946

Nobody Lives Forever (1946) movie poster
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1,490 votes


Crime, Drama, Film-Noir



Nobody Lives Forever (1946)

G.I. Nick Blake, a never charged con man in his pre-military life, has just received an honorable discharge from the army on medical reasons. Rather than return to his old life, he plans to settle down in New York, his hometown, with his girlfriend Toni Blackburn and the small cache of money he amassed prior to the war: $50,000. When that plan does not pan out, he decides to head to Los Angeles with his con man friend Al Doyle and live it up until he decides on a more permanent course for his life. He is informed by Pop Gruber, an aging mentor doing solely penny-ante street cons now in L.A., of a potential big mark. Doc Ganson, a former con associate, found the mark, lonely widow Gladys Halvorsen worth $2 million, but does not have either the bankroll or the charms to carry out the con on Gladys himself. With Al running interference for him, Nick agrees both to bankroll and carry out the con, he negotiating two-thirds of the take for himself, leaving Doc and his two associates a minimum of $30,000. Although Doc does not like the conditions, he feels he has no choice but to accept the offer as he is desperate for a score to get himself back on his feet. The con is complicated as Nick, using the alias Nick Lloyd, discovers that Gladys is accompanied in Los Angeles by her business manager, Charles Manning, who may be a little more careful than Gladys with her money. Further complications may ensue as Nick is recognized by others who know him as Nick Blake, as Toni comes looking for him to get her own cut in whatever he is doing, and most importantly as Nick and Gladys really do fall for each other. Nick has to decide how to handle the con knowing that a desperate Doc will not let him get away without his negotiated share, a violent Doc who may use harder tactics if he knows that Nick is wanting a life with Gladys and her $2 million.

Crime, Drama, Film-Noir
Jean Negulesco
John Garfield , Geraldine Fitzgerald , Walter Brennan , Faye Emerson
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