Disco Dancer 1982

Disco Dancer (1982) movie poster
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IMDb Score


1,334 votes


Drama, Musical, Romance


Hindi, English

Disco Dancer (1982)

Anil is a performer dancing and singing on streets he and his mother are accused of stealing a guitar by P.N Oberoi out of shame they leave from Bombay.Years later in Goa Anil is singing and dancing at small functions and has dream of making it big.Sam Oberoi spoil brat of P.N Oberoi is big name in music world.David Brown his manager quits his job due to his arrogant behavior and challenges Sam he will create a new star opposite him.Mr Brown notices Anil and gives him a break where Sam's sister Rita is ready with her friends to spoil the event.When Anil starts dancing except Rita everyone follows him and show turns to be hit. Mr Brown arranges a show for him in Bombay the city where he and his mother was insulted.Sam and P.N Oberoi send goons to stop Anil from reaching the show.But he manages to reach and his performances becomes a big hit soon Anil turns into Jimmy a craze for every young star this destroys Sam's career.Rita realizes her mistake and teams up with Jimmy.But her father and brother want Jimmy to be finished and can go to any extent.

Drama, Musical, Romance
Hindi, English
Babbar Subhash
Mithun Chakraborty , Kim , Kalpana Iyer , Om Puri
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