Dou hap II: Seung Hoi taam dou sing 1991

Dou hap II: Seung Hoi taam dou sing (1991) movie poster
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IMDb Score


2,145 votes


Action, Comedy, Fantasy


Cantonese, English, Mandarin, French

Dou hap II: Seung Hoi taam dou sing (1991)

This film focuses on the disciple of the God of Gamblers, Chow Sing Cho, also known as the "Saint of Gamblers". A group of people with telekinetic powers matching his attack him and his uncle, accidentally sending him to the year 1937, in Shanghai. This is a year crucial in Sing's family history, and he must use his powers play a part that has irrevocable effects on his present and future, while trying to find a way back to home, the year 1991.

Action, Comedy, Fantasy
Cantonese, English, Mandarin, French
Jing Wong
Stephen Chow , Li Gong , Ray Lui , Man Tat Ng
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