D2: The Mighty Ducks 1994

D2: The Mighty Ducks (1994) movie poster
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IMDb Score


38,816 votes


Comedy, Drama, Family, Sport


English, Icelandic

D2: The Mighty Ducks (1994)

Gordon Bombay is forced to withdraw from the minor hockey league with a knee injury. Much to his surprise, he is given the job of coach of Team USA Hockey for the Junior Goodwill Games in California. With most of the Ducks and a few new players in tow, he sets forth for LA. All appears to be going well for a while, but the hype of Hollywood starts to get to Gordon, and he is distracted when Iceland, the favourites to win the title, appear on the scene.

Comedy, Drama, Family, Sport
English, Icelandic
Sam Weisman
Emilio Estevez , Kathryn Erbe , Michael Tucker , Jan Rubes
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