Meitantei Conan: Seiki matsu no majutsushi 1999

Meitantei Conan: Seiki matsu no majutsushi (1999) movie poster
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IMDb Score


2,169 votes


Animation, Adventure, Crime, Mystery


Japanese, Italian

Meitantei Conan: Seiki matsu no majutsushi (1999)

Suzuki Zaibatsu found the 51st Easter Egg made by Russian Jewel maker February. Kaido Kido sent police a warning letter that he would stole the egg which Suzuki would display 4 days later. Kaido Kido (when) able to steal egg at the time when everyone's outside. SCORPION shot Kaido's eye and made Kaido vanished. Conan met 3 ladies in the mission that they have to protect the easter egg in Suzuki's home. Seiran Hoishi (27), Romanov Empire, knew chinese and she was finally...

Animation, Adventure, Crime, Mystery
Japanese, Italian
Kenji Kodama , Yasuichiro Yamamoto
Laura Bailey , Chafurin , Colleen Clinkenbeard , Kevin Connolly
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