Ikitie 2017

Ikitie (2017) movie poster
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IMDb Score


2,129 votes


Drama, History


Finnish, English, Russian

Ikitie (2017)

Based on true events an epic story of one man's struggle for survival. Jussi Ketola, returns to Finland from the great depression struck America only to face growing political unrest. One summer night of 1930, nationalist thugs violently abduct Ketola from his home. Beaten and forced to walk the Eternal Road towards a foreign Soviet Russia, where cruelty seems to know no end, his only dream is to return to his family cost it what it may. Hope dies last.

Drama, History
Finnish, English, Russian
Antti Jussi Annila
Tommi Korpela , Sidse Babett Knudsen , Hannu Pekka Bjorkman
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