Darkest Hour 2017

Darkest Hour (2017) movie poster
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IMDb Score


183,339 votes


Biography, Drama, History


English, French, German

Darkest Hour (2017)

During World War II, as Adolf Hitler's awesomely powerful Wehrmacht rampages across Europe, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Neville Chamberlain, is forced to resign, recommending Winston Churchill as his replacement. But even in his early days as the country's leader, Churchill is under pressure to commence peace negotiations with the German dictator or to fight head-on the seemingly invincible Nazi regime, whatever the cost. However difficult and dangerous his decision may be, Churchill has no choice but to shine in the country's darkest hour.

Biography, Drama, History
English, French, German
Joe Wright
Gary Oldman , Lily James , Kristin Scott Thomas
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