Torrid Zone 1940

Torrid Zone (1940) movie poster
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IMDb Score


1,303 votes


Action, Adventure, Comedy


English, Spanish

Torrid Zone (1940)

Banana Company executive Steve Case on a Caribean plantation group tries to convince his former co-worker Nick Butler to take over the plantation No 7. But he is on his way to Chicago, to take over a job as a manager for another company himself. He has also troubles with US night-club singer Lee Donley, whom he wants aboard a ship back to the US, and rebel Rosario. He is able to get Nick to the plantation, but is he able to keep him there or will he leave it in a few days with Gloria, the wife of the former exectutive of No 7, Mr. Anderson ?

Action, Adventure, Comedy
English, Spanish
William Keighley
James Cagney , Ann Sheridan , Pat OBrien
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