Red Sheep 2012

Red Sheep (2012) movie poster
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IMDb Score


2,547 votes


Drama, Fantasy, Thriller



Red Sheep (2012)

Red Sheep explores the complexities and depths of subconscious emotions like jealousy, fear, rage, guilt and pride through an abstract and metaphysical kaleidoscope. After taking his own life, Lyndon (Jonathan Regier), unknowingly wakes up in the middle of a circular afterlife with greetings from Death in human form (George Katt). Before understanding this painful inner circle, he must step back to the outer circle where his sins began: the death of his girlfriend, Sarah (Sarah Taurchini) and subsequently the death of himself. Death, in human form, or Johnny as he calls himself, steals Lyndon's prayers for a proper reunion between the two and instead forces him to face a new and much darker reality. A reality where he has a choice to continue the agonizing circle like the others nearby (the black sheep), or to stop the circle and become a soul-taker like Johnny himself. Or, as he likes to be known, a Red Sheep.

Drama, Fantasy, Thriller
Amos McKay
George Katt , Jonathan Regier , Sarah Taurchini
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