Ye shou xing jing 1998

Ye shou xing jing (1998) movie poster
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IMDb Score


1,054 votes


Action, Crime, Drama, Mystery



Ye shou xing jing (1998)

One of the most universally acclaimed motion pictures in the history of Hong Kong cinema. Acclaimed director Gordon Chan ("Fist Of Legend", "2000 AD", "The Big Heat") dispenses with convention to bring one of the most graphic and insightful action-thrillers of recent years. Ruthlessly realistic, and vivid and unremitting in its uncompromising brutality and honesty, Beast Cops is a visceral and hard-hitting exploration of the dichotomous existence of two cops charged with upholding the law, while balancing on a moral knife-edge. Compelling and controversial, with a breakout performance of startling intensity from leading man Anthony Wong, this raw and enticing action-thriller has mesmerized audiences worldwide with its disturbing examination of the subjective and marginal morality, which inhabits the uncertain and ambiguous world of law enforcement. The graphic intensity of the final reels underpins an unforgettable and harrowing spectacle, which has seldom, if ever, been paralleled in Western cinema.

Action, Crime, Drama, Mystery
Gordon Chan , Dante Lam
Anthony Chau Sang Wong , Michael Wong , Stephanie Che , Kathy Chow
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