Liz and the Blue Bird 2018

Liz and the Blue Bird (2018) movie poster
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IMDb Score


1,334 votes


Animation, Drama, Fantasy, Music


Japanese, English

Liz and the Blue Bird (2018)

Mizore Yoroizuka and Nozomi Kasaki are a pair of best friends in their final year of high school. They're both obsessed with the school's brass band club. With Mizore on the oboe and Nozomi on the flute, they spend their days in happiness, until the club begins to practice songs inspired by the fairy tale Liz und ein Blauer Vogel - "Liz and the Blue Bird". Immersed in this story, Mizore and Nozomi begin to realize that there may be no such thing as being together forever.

Animation, Drama, Fantasy, Music
Japanese, English
Naoko Yamada
Atsumi Tanezaki , Nao Toyama , Miyu Honda , Konomi Fujimura
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