Hao nan hao nu 1995

Hao nan hao nu (1995) movie poster
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IMDb Score


1,083 votes


Drama, Romance


Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, Min Nan

Hao nan hao nu (1995)

Intended as the concluding film in the trilogy on the modern history of Taiwan began with Beiqing Chengshi (1989), this film reveals the story through three levels: a film within a film as well as the past and present as linked by a young woman, Liang Ching. She is being persecuted by an anonymous man who calls her repeatedly but does not speak. He has stolen her diary and faxes her pages daily. Liang is also rehearsing for a new film that is due to go into production soon. The film, entitled Haonan Haonu, is about a couple Chiang Bi-yu and Chung Hao-tung who returns to China to participate in the anti-Japanese movement in China in the 1940s and are arrested as communists when they go back to Taiwan.

Drama, Romance
Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, Min Nan
Hsiao Hsien Hou
Annie Shizuka Inoh , Giong Lim , Jack Kao , Ah Cheng
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