Ek Duuje Ke Liye 1981

Ek Duuje Ke Liye (1981) movie poster
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IMDb Score


1,114 votes


Drama, Musical, Romance



Ek Duuje Ke Liye (1981)

Hindi-speaking collegian Sapna lives a wealthy lifestyle in Dona Paula, near Panaji, Goa, India, along with her Professor dad, Kundanlal, and mom. Their immediate neighbors are Tamil-speaking vegetarian tenants, V. Sivaramakrishan, his wife, Vandana and son, Vasudevan, and detest the Kundanlals' meat-eating habits. Both families are aghast with surprise and anger when they find out that Sapna and Vasudevan are in love with each other. Strong opposition only strengthens their romance, forcing the families to compel the couple to stay away for a year, and not to communicate to each other in any manner. Both agree, and Vasudevan leaves for Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, to work for G. Haribabu, a Chartered Accountant. Vasudevan befriends a widow, Sandhya, and learns how to dance as well as read and write Hindi, while his dad arranges his marriage with Tamil-speaking Tulsi. While on a trip to Mangalore he finds out that Sapna has got married to Chakravarty, and instantly decides to propose to Sandhya, who agrees to marry him. Does this signal the end of their romance? What impact will Vasudevan's past have on Sandhya when she eventually finds out about his feelings about Sapna?

Drama, Musical, Romance
K Balachander
Kamal Haasan , Rati Agnihotri , Madhavi , Sunil Thapa
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