The Man Without Gravity 2019

The Man Without Gravity (2019) movie poster
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IMDb Score


2,315 votes


Comedy, Drama, Fantasy


Italian, English, French

The Man Without Gravity (2019)

Oscar comes to light on a stormy night, in the hospital of a small town and immediately we understand that there is something extraordinary in him : Does not obey the law of gravity. It floats in the air, hovers in the lightest room of a balloon, in front of the incredulous look of the mother and grandmother. The two women run away with the baby and decide to keep it hidden from the eyes of the world for many, many years. Only little Agata knows her secret. Until the day that Oscar decides that the whole world must know who he really is "The Man without Gravity" .

Comedy, Drama, Fantasy
Italian, English, French
Marco Bonfanti
Elio Germano , Michela Cescon , Elena Cotta , Silvia DAmico
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