Naya Daur 1957

Naya Daur (1957) movie poster
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IMDb Score


1,169 votes


Drama, Musical, Romance



Naya Daur (1957)

Shankar lives in a remote village in rural India with his mother and sister, Manju, and drives a horse-carriage for a living. The main employer in the region is a kind-hearted businessman Maganlal. When Maganlal announces that he would like to undertake a religious pilgrimage, his son, Kundan, takes over and wants to cut back on labor and mechanize the business - thus leading to loss in jobs. He also introduces a bus thus taking away business from the horse-carriage drivers. This angers the community and they ask Kundan to reconsider, and he flats refuses - but agrees to withdraw the bus provided Shankar races it with his horse-carriage. Watch the action unfold as Shankar unites a divided village, and how he sets about to keep his faith in winning this race between man and machine.

Drama, Musical, Romance
BR Chopra
Dilip Kumar , Vyjayanthimala , Ajit , Chand Usmani
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