Kim-jong-wook-chat-gi 2010

Kim-jong-wook-chat-gi (2010) movie poster
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IMDb Score


1,214 votes


Comedy, Romance



Kim-jong-wook-chat-gi (2010)

Gi-joon starts an agency that helps people locate their long-lost first loves and Ji-woo becomes his first client. She is dragged there by her worried father, Captain SEO, who learns that Ji-woo is still hung up on Kim Jung-wook, a man she fell in love with on her trip to India in her early twenties. In offer to identify the face of Ji-woo's long lost first love, the two travel all around the country and come face-to-face with a smörgåsbord of Kim Jong-wook's. After days on end of little success in the search for Kim Jong-wook, the agency receives a single phone call of fate. An inquiry from none other than Kim Jong-wook himself, hoping to find Jin-woo through the help of Gi-joon's agency. Gi-joon tells Ji-woo the good news, but having realized his feelings for her, Gi-joon turns and runs back to Ji-woo.

Comedy, Romance
You jeong Chang
Soo jung Lim , Yoo Gong , Seung su Ryu , Chung Ah Lee
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