O Xango de Baker Street 2001

O Xango de Baker Street (2001) movie poster
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IMDb Score


1,119 votes


Comedy, Crime


Portuguese, French, English

O Xango de Baker Street (2001)

Rio de Janeiro, 1886. Actress Sarah Bernhardt performs at the city's Municipal Theater, captivating the local audience enthralled by French culture. The city is at her feet, and even the Emperor Dom Pedro II comes to pay his respects. He confides a secret to her: the disappearance of a precious Stradivarius violin presented by him to the charming widow Baroness Maria Luiza. The actress suggests he hire her friend, the legendary British detective Sherlock Holmes, to solve the case. Under the heat of the tropical sun, the lives of Holmes and Watson are changed forever, as they find themselves knee-deep in a cultural hodgepodge that includes all the standard Brazilian tourist fare.

Comedy, Crime
Portuguese, French, English
Miguel Faria Jr
Joaquim de Almeida , Anthony ODonnell , Maria de Medeiros , Leticia Sabatella
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