The Awakening of Motti Wolkenbruch 2018

The Awakening of Motti Wolkenbruch (2018) movie poster
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IMDb Score


3,887 votes


Comedy, Drama


German, Yiddish, Hebrew

The Awakening of Motti Wolkenbruch (2018)

Young orthodox Jew Mordechai Wolkenbruch, called Motti, has a serious problem: All the women, whom his mame introduces to him as potential wives, look just like her. Whereas Laura, his fellow student, does not at all - but unfortunately she is a schikse: She wears pants, has a nice tuches, drinks gin and tonic and swears. Motti begins to have doubts: Is the predetermined path given by his parents the road for him to follow? His obedience towards his mother's disturbing methods starts to fade, whereas at the same time his passion for Laura grows. So things take their course. And very soon Motti comes to the conclusion: even schiksen can be totally nuts.

Comedy, Drama
German, Yiddish, Hebrew
Michael Steiner
Joel Basman , Noemie Schmidt , Udo Samel , Sunnyi Melles
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