Haathi Mere Saathi 1971

Haathi Mere Saathi (1971) movie poster
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IMDb Score


1,179 votes


Drama, Family, Musical, Romance



Haathi Mere Saathi (1971)

Orphaned Raju, in the company of four elephants, has to perform with them at street corners, in order to keep alive. Slowly he amasses a fortune, and is able to build his own private zoo, housing tigers, lions, bears, and of course the four elephants. He treats all the animals as his friends. He meets with Tanu, and both fall in love. Tanu's dad, Ratanlal, is opposed to this alliance, but subsequently relents, and permits the young couple to get married. Tanu is unhappy with the amount of time Raju spends with his animal friends, and this causes some bitterness between them. Things do not improve when a child is born, as Tanu fears that one day the child will be harmed by one of the animals, and hence Raju is told to make a choice between his animal friends or his wife and son.

Drama, Family, Musical, Romance
MA Thirumugham
Rajesh Khanna , Tanuja , David Abraham , Sujit Kumar
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