Sainik 1993

Sainik (1993) movie poster
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IMDb Score


1,181 votes


Action, Drama, Romance



Sainik (1993)

Lieutenant Suraj Dutt successfully fails an arms dealing on the border.He soon comes on leave and goes to meet his sister Mini where he comes across Alka.Alka and Sooraj soon fall in love and get married life is going very cheerful to everyone in between Minnie's marriage gets arranged to Pankaj son of Gajraj Chaudhary.Suraj notices that Pankaj is the same person who was dealing with arms on the border and gets him and Gajraj arrested.Minnie is left broken heart but Vijay comes froward to accept her and their a marriage is arranged but before that Suraj has to leave for a mission.Few days later his father Yashpal Dutt ,Alka and Minnie get the news of Suraj's death from different people but all decide to keep it as a secret from everyone as his sudden death might shatter the family.

Action, Drama, Romance
Sikander Bharti
Akshay Kumar , Ashwini Bhave , Farheen , Alok Nath
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