Meitantei Conan: Tanteitachi no requiem 2006

Meitantei Conan: Tanteitachi no requiem (2006) movie poster
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1,562 votes


Animation, Action, Adventure, Crime, Family, Mystery, Thriller



Meitantei Conan: Tanteitachi no requiem (2006)

On 4 April 2006 Ito Suehiko & Shimizu Reiko rob cash truck with deceased Nishio Masara. On 6 April 2006 Shimizu Reiko killed Nishio in their company. On 15 May 2006 Shimizu Reiko was claimed suicide and died. (NOW) Mori Kogoro drove Ran and Conan and others to Miracleland. When Ran order Conan to go outside together, Client stopped Conan from leaving the office! What happened? "By 22:00 you have to settle this, or else, all your ID-belts would explode" When Kanagawa police spoke on 4 April matter, Conan got a call, "Detective Mori? No! Are you Kudo? Really you! High-School Student Detective Kudo Shinichi." What would happen to everyone by 10pm?

Animation, Action, Adventure, Crime, Family, Mystery, Thriller
Yasuichiro Yamamoto
Minami Takayama , Wakana Yamazaki , Akira Kamiya , Chafurin
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