Daddy 2017

Daddy (2017) movie poster
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IMDb Score


1,952 votes


Action, Biography, Crime, Drama



Daddy (2017)

From the rough streets and back alleys of Central Mumbai comes the sensational true story of Arun Gawli, a man who scripted his own destiny, eventually going on to become one of India's most feared gangsters. Today he remains an enigmatic figure; at once a volatile, power-hungry criminal for some and the respected "Daddy" or a modern day Robin Hood for the working-class neighborhood he belongs to. Daddy follows the intertwined fates of the world-weary Gawli as he attempts to enter politics and a frustrated Police inspector with a secret history of his own. An unfolding jigsaw puzzle, told from different points-of-view and spanning over four decades, Daddy is an unforgettable excursion into the Mumbai underworld.

Action, Biography, Crime, Drama
Ashim Ahluwalia
Arjun Rampal , Aishwarya Rajesh , Nishikant Kamat , Rajesh Shringarpore
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