Si-ra-no; Yeon-ae-jo-jak-do 2010

Si-ra-no; Yeon-ae-jo-jak-do (2010) movie poster
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1,295 votes


Comedy, Romance



Si-ra-no; Yeon-ae-jo-jak-do (2010)

The Cyrano Agency is a dating agency which helps people who can't date to have a love life. The agency staff try helping their clients without being noticed. The agency's representatives Byeong-hoon (played by Eom Tae-woong)and Min-yeong (Park Sin-hye) are giving their best to pair up their client, Sang-yong (Choi Daniel), with his love interest named Hee-joong (Lee Min-jeong). But when Byeong-hun sees Hee-joong's profile, he begins to doubt their abilities. Will "Cyrano Agency" succeed in their mission? This is a fun little romantic comedy made the Korean way. And a special notice for Eom Tae-woong, who i think is a good actor. He resembles another great Korean actor, Tony Leung(starred in In The Mood For Love).

Comedy, Romance
Hyun seok Kim
Tae woong Eom , Min Jung Lee , Daniel Choi , Shin Hye Park
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