Student No. 1 2001

Student No. 1 (2001) movie poster
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IMDb Score


1,665 votes


Action, Crime, Drama


Telugu, Tamil, Hindi

Student No. 1 (2001)

Aditya (Jr. NTR) joins a law college in Vizag as a student. The law college is notorious for its unruly students headed by Satya (Rajeev Kanakala). Aditya is shown as a young mysterious man and throughout the first half there are several flashbacks to his story. He makes the unruly students mend their ways. In the interval, we come to know that Aditya is a criminal facing murder charges and is serving his life term in Vizag central jail. He attends the college with a special permission from the jail authorities. Aditya lives in Hyderabad with his parents. He has finished his intermediate studies (10th grade plus 2). He wants to pursue engineering but his father wants him to study law. This presents a tension between them, leading to a confrontation. Meanwhile, Aditya unintentionally murders a goon while saving a girl from getting raped. Aditya's father disowns him as his son and Aditya surrenders at a police station. The rest of the film is how Aditya wins the heart of his father with the law degree he earns.

Action, Crime, Drama
Telugu, Tamil, Hindi
SS Rajamouli
Ali , Tanikella Bharani , Brahmanandam , Gajala
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