Nur Gott kann mich richten 2017

Nur Gott kann mich richten (2017) movie poster
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IMDb Score


1,898 votes


Crime, Drama, Thriller


German, Arabic, Russian

Nur Gott kann mich richten (2017)

After a botched robbery attempt five years ago, Ricky went to jail for his brother Rafael and his buddy Latif. Now that he is back out of jail, Latif wants to show his gratitude: he says he has a surefire scheme to get rich quickly, and Ricky could use the money to set up his new life. Ricky hesitates at first but then agrees. Complications arise as soon as some preparations start. Things kept going out in awry, especially as a form of hardup policewoman Diana.

Crime, Drama, Thriller
German, Arabic, Russian
Ozgur Yildirim
Neil Malik Abdullah , Kai Ivo Baulitz , Moritz Bleibtreu , Zejhun Demirov
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