Marquis 1989

Marquis (1989) movie poster
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IMDb Score


1,316 votes


Animation, Comedy



Marquis (1989)

The scene is a pre-French Revolution Bastille, where various political prisoners are being held: a woman who was raped and impregnated by the king, a police chief who was accused of selling bad pork, and the Marquis, who was unjustly accused of working for the overthrow of the king. The Marquis is only interested in writing his deviant stories, while his penis yearns for a little action (they argue about this frequently), the prime candidate being the jailer who likes to be buggered. The corrupt priest arranges to have the pregnant woman raped by the Marquis so they can claim the king had nothing to do with it. The priest also steals the Marquis' manuscripts and publishes them for his own profit. Things come to a head as the people rise up against the tyranny.

Animation, Comedy
Henri Xhonneux
Francois Marthouret , Valerie Kling , Michel Robin , Isabelle Wolfe
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