Meitantei Conan: Junkoku no naitomea 2016

Meitantei Conan: Junkoku no naitomea (2016) movie poster
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1,632 votes


Animation, Action, Adventure, Crime, Family, Mystery, Thriller



Meitantei Conan: Junkoku no naitomea (2016)

A spy infiltrated the Japanese National Police Agency, retrieving secret files of Britain's MI6, Germany's BND and America's CIA and FBI. Rei Furuya and a group of Tokyo Police PSB intercepted the spy during the getaway, and just before the major car accident, FBI Agent Shuichi Akai sniped and crashed the spy's vehicle. The next day, at the aquarium in Tokyo with the Ferris wheel, Conan and the Detective Boys found a woman with heterochromia iris who suffered memory loss and had a broken cell phone. Having decided to stay and help the woman regain her memory, Conan and the Detective Boys are under the watchful eye of Vermouth.

Animation, Action, Adventure, Crime, Family, Mystery, Thriller
Kobun Shizuno
Kappei Yamaguchi , Rikiya Koyama , Minami Takayama , Wakana Yamazaki
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