La enfermedad del domingo 2018

La enfermedad del domingo (2018) movie poster
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IMDb Score


3,266 votes




Spanish, French

La enfermedad del domingo (2018)

Anabel is a high-class old lady who lives happy in Barcelona (Catalonia, northeast to Spain) with her husband and businessman Bernabé, and her daughter Greta. But during a dinner party organized by Anabel, she realizes that Chiara, her daughter from her first marriage, appears after thirty years disguised as a member of the staff. After telling Anabel who she really is, Chiara asks her mother to spend ten days together. After a failed try to give Chiara money to avoid the petition, a reluctant Anabel accepts Chiara's request. They go to the same house where she lived before to leaving Chiara's father. A place in a little town in the French Pyrenees. Strangers to each other, Anabel and Chiara spend the days in uncomfortable situations, with Anabel trying to learn the reason of her daughter's request, and Chiara keeping silence about it. Anabel finds herself reliving her youth, and trying to get to know better her daughter, but it all changes when Chiara reveals the real reason she wanted to spend this time with her mother, making a new request to an off-guard Anabel.

Spanish, French
Ramon Salazar
Barbara Lennie , Susi Sanchez , Greta Fernandez
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