Daha 2017

Daha (2017) movie poster
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IMDb Score


2,959 votes


Crime, Drama


Arabic, Turkish

Daha (2017)

Gaza is a 14-year-old boy who lives on the Aegean coast of Turkey. Together with his domineering father, he helps smuggle refugees from war-torn countries to Europe, giving them temporary lodgings and scant food until they attempt the crossing. Gaza dreams of escaping this life, but can't help being drawn into a dark world of immorality, exploitation and human suffering. Can you avoid becoming a monster when you've been raised by one? Onur Saylak's debut feature, adapted from the award-winning novel of the same title by Hakan Günday, one of the first novels to document the refugee crisis in Europe, "More" is the gripping story of a boy that gets to grow up in a world where there's no room for innocence.

Crime, Drama
Arabic, Turkish
Onur Saylak
Ahmet Mumtaz Taylan , Hayat Van Eck , Turgut Tuncalp
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