Queen 2018

Queen (2018) movie poster
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IMDb Score


1,324 votes


Comedy, Crime, Mystery



Queen (2018)

The movie starts with a girl waiting at the bus stop in the midnight who got raped and killed. In flashback, an engineering campus life is shown. For the first time in the college campus history, a girl student enrolled in the second year Mechanical department which creates a lot of fuss among the students. Within days, the girl jells well with the boys and campus and suddenly it is revealed that the girl is suffering from cancer. After several months, a college celebration is shown and it is implied that the girl survives. Soon after the celebration, the girl was raped and killed while waiting for the bus at the bus stop. Many foul plays were involved in the incident and police and administration tries to protect the culprits. Her colleagues realize the plot and come forward to fight for the justice and finally, they succeed in nailing the real culprits.

Comedy, Crime, Mystery
Dijo Jose Antony
Dhruvan , Saniya Iyappan , Eldho Mathew
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