Alf Mabrouk 2009

Alf Mabrouk (2009) movie poster
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IMDb Score


4,126 votes


Comedy, Drama, Fantasy



Alf Mabrouk (2009)

The plot is about a young man one night before his wedding wished to stop the watch. Next day ( the day of his wedding ) he died at night 12 o'clock to awake and thought it was just dream and his watch was stopped. But everything is happening the same as his what he thought to be dream, and he died at night and awake again and so on. His night is repeating again and again and each night he died and awake next morning which is the day of his weding. Until he explore multiple things about his family and try to correct himself.and once he correct him self he died as every night but now to protect his family from car accident but not awake again.

Comedy, Drama, Fantasy
Ahmed Nader Galal
Ahmad Hilmi , Laila Ezz El Arab , Mahmoud El Feshawy
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