Taipei Story 1985

Taipei Story (1985) movie poster
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2,582 votes




Min Nan, Mandarin, Hokkien

Taipei Story (1985)

Lung, a former member of the national Little League team and now operator of an old-style fabric business, is never able to shake a longing for his past glory. One day, he runs into a forme teammate who is now a struggling cab driver. The two talk about old times and they are struck by a sense of loss. Lung is living with his old childhood sweetheart Ah-chin, a westernized professional woman who grew up in a traditional family. Although they live together, Ah-chin is always weary of Lung's past liason with another girl. After an argument, Ah-chin tris to find solace by hanging out with her sister's friends, a group of westernized, hedonistic youths.

Min Nan, Mandarin, Hokkien
Edward Yang
Chin Tsai , Hsiao Hsien Hou , I Chen Ko
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