Antaheen 2009

Antaheen (2009) movie poster
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1,565 votes


Drama, Romance



Antaheen (2009)

Abhik Chowdhury is an IPS officer with a heart -- honest, upright, yet laid-back. Having lost faith in the real relationships that he sees around him, Abhik seeks solace in the virtual world. While navigating through this virtual world, Abhik develops an online relationship with a young woman, Brinda, without knowing anything about her. Brinda is a young, dynamic television journalist. For both Abhik and Brinda, who do not know each other's real names or whereabouts, this online communication soon becomes an increasingly intense relationship, more real than virtual. Ironically the virtual lovers, Abhik and Brinda have an acrimonious first meeting in the real world - at the launch of a controversial mega project of a big-time real estate entrepreneur, V.K. Mehra. Unaware that she knows Abhik so well on the Internet, Brinda, gets into a bitter exchange of words with him. Before leaving in a huff, she overhears a piece of conversation about Mehra's project, which gives her a lead to a potentially big scoop. Ranjan and Paromita, an estranged couple, become the bridge between Brinda and Abhik. Ranjan is Abhik's cousin, but he is more a friend, philosopher and guide. A stock market addict, Ranjan leads a lonely life after having separated from Paromita a few years ago. Paromita, is a senior marketing executive with the television channel where Brinda is a colleague and a friend. Ranjan and Paro still care deeply for each other, but they have separated because they feel togetherness would spoil that very love and tenderness. It is an irony they live through, each alone. As the film progresses, we follow the lives of these characters as they discover each other and also themselves; and when the credits roll up we see love is fragile, yet it continues endlessly, linking us to eternity.

Drama, Romance
Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury
Rahul Bose , Aparna Sen , Radhika Apte
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