Tirangaa 1992

Tirangaa (1992) movie poster
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IMDb Score


1,913 votes


Action, Thriller



Tirangaa (1992)

Terrorist Pralaynath Gundaswamy has plans to destroy India on its independence day 15th August so he sets off to abduct the Top scientists from across the country to prepare the missiles for him. The only person who can foil his plans is Deputy Commissioner of Police Rudrapratap Chouhan; who is difficult to get rid of because he does not travel without any weapon. But when he goes disarm for a horse-ride with his son, Harish he is killed by Gundaswamy himself leaving Harish as a witness. Just when Gundaswamy thought his way is clear; there is Brigadier Suryadev Singh who teams up with Police inspector Shivajirao Wagle to not only investigate Rudrapratap's death but to bring Gundaswamy to justice. Before their investigation can complete; the duo must now try and save Harish and two of his friends from getting prosecuted for the rape of a young woman named Radha Tandel, who happen to be the daughter of the Minister, Jeevanlall within the Government and also the girlfriend of Rasiknath; the only son of Gundaswamy.

Action, Thriller
Mehul Kumar
Raaj Kumar , Nana Patekar , Deepak Shirke
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