Adam barfi 1995

Adam barfi (1995) movie poster
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IMDb Score


1,960 votes


Comedy, Drama, Romance


English, Turkish, Persian

Adam barfi (1995)

A middle-aged man named Abbas, desperate to leave Iran for America, longs for a visa that would allow him to travel to the U.S. In his desperation, the man begins dressing as a woman in the hope of ensnaring an American man and entering the country that way. By changing his clothes and applying make-up, Abbas transforms into Dorna, but as events unfold and scenarios become increasingly complicated, Abbas begins to have his doubts. Fusing comedy, drama and romance, Davood Mirbagheri's 'Snow Man' has gone on to become one of the highest-grossing Iranian films of all time.

Comedy, Drama, Romance
English, Turkish, Persian
Davood Mir Bagheri
Akbar Abdi , Dariush Arjmand , Parviz Parastui
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