Trouble Is My Business 2018

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2,512 votes


Action, Adventure, Crime



Trouble Is My Business (2018)

Los Angeles in 1947, everything should be sunny, but the smog creates a fog, a haze that permeates not just the lungs, but the psyches. Private eye Roland Drake cracks cases and romances femme fatales, while corrupt cops rule the underworld of the city and moral lines are anything but black and white. A dark, hard-boiled tale of love and betrayal, told in the classic style of film noir. Drake has fallen on hard times in a harsh world. He has been evicted from his office and disgraced by a missing persons case. Ruined in the public eye and with the police. it seems like it's all over for Roland Drake. Then, redemption walks in - with curves. The owner of those curves is a sexy, dark haired beauty named Katherine Montemar. She wants his help. The chemistry is immediate and her concern for the disappearance of her family members pulls him into her case - and into bed. He wakes up to her missing too, and a pool of blood where she used to be. After a nervous encounter with the equally skilled but unscrupulous Lew MacDonald, he is confronted by Katherine's blonde sister, Jennifer. She's a beautiful femme fatale who knows more than she should about everything and blackmails him into helping her. Their destiny becomes entwined in the dark descent that leads them on a hunt for a priceless gem and information peeled back to revel a twisted reality. Dogged by the corrupt police in the form of Detective Tate, Drake must navigate a sinister world of lies, betrayal, and murder with the menagerie of seedy characters. Drake might not be able to tell right from wrong anymore in a doomed love story, which could destroy him, Jennifer, and bury all the mysteries forever.

Action, Adventure, Crime
Tom Konkle
Vernon Wells , Brittney Powell , Steve Tom
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