C'est la vie! 2017

C'est la vie! (2017) movie poster
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IMDb Score


10,065 votes




French, Tamil

C'est la vie! (2017)

Pierre is marrying Héléna and he wants his wedding party to be first rate. For that he has reserved the services of Max Angély, a seasoned caterer, and his team. The reception is to take place in a sumptuous 17th century leisure castle and its beautiful park and the music to be supplied by an excellent DJ. The rich arrogant bridegroom demands that everything go according to plan. Max assures him that will be the case but what he fails to tell him is that his team is not absolutely above reproach. For instance, Etienne (as James), a second-rate entertainer, has replaced the top-level DJ; Adèle, Max's short-tempered assistant, keeps causing embroilment ; Guy, the wedding photographer is a free-loading has been; Josiane, Max's close collaborator and also lover, is on the verge of breaking up with him; Julien, a depressive ex-teacher turned waiter, once had a date with - the bride; Samy, an additional waiter, proves quite worthless. But Max, whose motto is "Always adapt!" is the persistent kind and will do everything to save the situation. Will he manage? That is the question.

French, Tamil
Olivier Nakache , Eric Toledano
Jean Pierre Bacri , Jean Paul Rouve , Gilles Lellouche
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