Thelma 2017

Thelma (2017) movie poster
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IMDb Score


28,428 votes


Drama, Fantasy, Mystery


Norwegian, Swedish

Thelma (2017)

Having just enrolled at a university in Oslo against her stern parents' will, the sheltered Biology freshman and devout Christian, Thelma, leaves for the first time the isolated Norwegian countryside, to start a new life away from home. Tangibly lonely, a casual conversation and an unexpected friendship in the face of the beautiful fellow student, Anja, will broaden Thelma's hazy horizons; however, as the glacially alluring misfit wrestles with an onslaught of novel feelings, an unprecedented psychosomatic manifestation of repressed emotions takes over. A mystery cloaks soft-spoken Thelma's past, and the more she struggles to renounce her nebulous desire, the more violent is her quivering awakening. But can Thelma find a denied truth behind a stinging temptation?

Drama, Fantasy, Mystery
Norwegian, Swedish
Joachim Trier
Eili Harboe , Kaya Wilkins , Henrik Rafaelsen
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