Pride of the Marines 1945

Pride of the Marines (1945) movie poster
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IMDb Score


1,420 votes


Biography, Drama, Romance


English, Japanese

Pride of the Marines (1945)

Married couple Jim & Ella Merchant set up their single friend Al Schmid on a blind date with Ruth Hartley. The two hit it off and begin dating. A welder, one day at the workplace, Al learns of a friend's enlistment in the Marine Corps and decides to join himself. Al and Ruth have a last date, with Al insisting that she forget about him as he is about to go into combat. However, when Ruth goes to meet his departure train, he is overjoyed and gives her an engagement ring. Assigned to Guadalcanal, Al and his squad are tasked with preventing the Japanese from breaching their line. During a night attack, many of his fellow Marines are slain, but Al ends up single-handedly saving the day, killing scores of Japanese. However, he is wounded by a suicide bomber near the end of the the battle. At the hospital, Al learns that he is blind, a condition that persists even after surgery. Feeling sorry for himself, he dictates a letter to a nurse, informing Ruth that he is relieving her of any obligation to marry him. Neither his friend Lee, the nurse, or the doctors can persuade Al to try rehabilitation in order to attempt a return to a "normal" life. Finally, he has to be kicked out of the hospital. He returns home, but does not want to see Ruth. She sees him and pledges her love, but he is still discouraged, as he does not feel that he is a real man anymore and his pride will not allow her to take care of him. For his bravery, Lee is awarded the Navy Cross. Will he overcome his pride and give the audience a happy ending?

Biography, Drama, Romance
English, Japanese
Delmer Daves
John Garfield , Eleanor Parker , Dane Clark
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