Kelebekler 2018

Kelebekler (2018) movie poster
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IMDb Score


12,917 votes


Comedy, Drama



Kelebekler (2018)

Close-up of an astronaut's face. The astronaut is Cemal. Kenan dubs home videos for a living. In a classroom, kindergarten teacher Suzan weeps frantically. They are the sons and daughter of Mazhar. Now, after being 30 years apart, their father calls them back home to their village of Hasanlar. They don't know why. When they arrive to Hasanlar, they realize that their father is dead and in his will he asks to be buried when the butterflies come to the village to die; one of the many strangeness of this village. Three siblings who neither know each other nor anything about their father will have to kill time in this village while waiting for the time of the butterflies. As they start to find out more about their father and about each other, they also start to know more about themselves.

Comedy, Drama
Tolga Karacelik
Tolga Tekin , Bartu Kucukcaglayan , Tugce Altug
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