Mei Gong he xing dong 2016

Mei Gong he xing dong (2016) movie poster
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IMDb Score


4,376 votes


Action, Adventure


Mandarin, Cantonese, English, Thai, Burmese

Mei Gong he xing dong (2016)

Inspired by the true story known as the Mekong Massacre--two Chinese commercial vessels are ambushed while traveling down the Mekong River in the waters of the Golden Triangle, one of the largest drug-manufacturing regions in the world. 13 sailors are executed at gunpoint, and 900,000 methamphetamine pills are recovered at the scene. Upon discovery, the Chinese government immediately sends a band...

Action, Adventure
Mandarin, Cantonese, English, Thai, Burmese
Dante Lam
Joyce Wenjuan Feng , Baoguo Chen , Xudong Wu
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